The attached photo is of an wooden plaque that was hand carved and recd from Ukraine as appreciation for the donations Ukr Knights of Columbus Council 7464 sent for restorations to their Church. This plaque now hangs on the wall within our meeting room at St. Nicholas Church. I did some investigative inquires on the internet and found the the following information and picture of the church. This was the closest to the name of Church carved on plaque and if incorrect please contact me (Contact Page) to make the proper corrections.
Koniushkiv is a village in Brodivskyi Raion, Lviv Oblast, in western Ukraine. From 1918 to 1939 the village was in Tarnopol Voivodeship in Poland. Wikipedia,+Lviv+Oblast,+Ukraine,+80624/@50.1435861,25.1166767,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMPRQ__JXwI825jVaGPXgwusD3nAvbPweu4-JKm!2e10!3e12!!7i3156!8i4462!4m5!3m4!1s0x472559abaae8f0fd:0x87b1572bab7bc4c8!8m2!3d50.1435861!4d25.1166767